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Wonderful Wiltshire Smart Home

Andy Jack, co-founder and director of TwentyTwo Integration, gives EI the inside track on this impressive and already award-winning project, the home cinema se...
Perfect Integration

Classic, calming and cultured home cinema

This very stylish home cinema expertly executed by Perfect Integration is just one of the cinemas in the running for our Smart Building Awards this year. The P...

The Best Car Simulator Ever?

Mark Laird, Managing Director, of install company Lairds gives EI an exclusive tour around this awesome iRacing car sim AV project. For obvious reasons this...
Sonos Arc

Sonos ARC: Review

Created as a premium upgrade compared to the Beam, Sonos has staked a hell of a lot on this launch. It’s asking this new product to do an awful lot and do it w...
Dirac Live

Room Correction System Shoot Out

One of the hottest subjects in the industry right now is room correction, taking high-performance systems and tuning them specifically for the environment they...
Spring Ponds

Prestige Audio Digs Deep At Spring Ponds

Joe Carri, Commercial Director at Prestige Audio, explains that this project came into the company from a builder that the company has a strong relationship wi...