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Dirac Live


With standards, specifications and room correction all big subjects right now, Mathias Johansson, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at audio experts Dirac, ...

Live And Direct!

Dirac Live connects calibration specialist Terry Ellis to a broad cross-section of consumers seeking sublime listening experiences. Terry Ell...

Dirac Live Room Correction Means Happier Clients for Home Audio argues integrator Supercalibrations

Dallas Dingle has specialized in high-end home audio—as a hobby and a profession—for more than 40 years. Founder of St. Paul, Minn.-based Supercalibrations, Da...

ARCAM AVR5 Includes Dirac Live

Swedish digital audio pioneer Dirac announced that the new ARCAM AVR5 receiver is Dirac Ready to run Dirac Live Room Correction, the company’s solution to ensu...

Habitech Adds Four Training Courses

AV and install focused distributor Habitech, has announced that it is  expanding its programme of dealer training in order to master the latest market cha...

StormAudio Has Its Sights Set on ISE

StormAudio will exhibit full hardware range, host home theater demos with Alcons Audio and M&K Sound, and show Dirac Live Calibration Tool 2.0 integration ...