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Screen Excellence

Pure Joy!

Zak Vracevic, owner and director of M.E.G.A. AV Installations, gives EI the tour of this award-winning install Joy Division Room which picked up the Best Media...
Home Cinema

Screen Excellence Offers CAD Drawings

UK-Based Screen Excellence launches new free service in providing installers with CAD drawings for home cinema and media room projects. Screen Excellence, h...

Wonderful Wiltshire Smart Home

Andy Jack, co-founder and director of TwentyTwo Integration, gives EI the inside track on this impressive and already award-winning project, the home cinema se...
Home Cinema

Epic Home Cinema Envy

After receiving a high-quality demo, there was only outcome the customer wanted for their home cinema project. Luke Crutcher, Director at Living Home Tech, tak...

Audio Excellence UFO Sighted At ISE 2019

At ISE 2019 Audio Excellence is planning to launch UFO, an out-of-this-world sonic concept for large TVs and solid film screens. From Patrice Congard, CEO ...