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Mariusz Malkowski from Sigma Designs has been successfully rescued by helicopter following the devastating earthquake and subsequent avalanche in Nepal. He landed safely in Newark, US on April 28.

Mariusz was taking part in the Fibaro Mount Everest Challenge – powered by Z-Wave, where the experienced climber was aiming to scale Mount Everest and control Fibaro and other Z-Wave-powered devices located on the other side of the globe in Las Vegas.

The 7.8-magnitude quake hit Nepal on Saturday destroying buildings in Kathmandu and severely affecting rural areas across the region.

The death toll is reported to have risen to 4,310, with almost 8,000 injured.

Mariusz’s camp was not as badly affected as others, and following the avalanche he joined the rescue team; helping people who were not able to walk and moving them to places located on lower altitudes and later helping to bring them to hospital.

Fibaro organised the helicopter rescue mission, also taking with them any people Mariusz saved from the avalanche.

Fibaro released a statement: “We’d like to inform you that in connection with the latest situation in Nepal the Fibaro Mt. Everest Challenge in conjunction with our dear friend Mariusz Malkowski has ended.

“We are extremely happy Mariusz didn’t get hurt during the expedition, especially when the earthquake and the avalanches started. Mariusz hasn’t been injured but seeing other people trapped under the snow triggered him to help and save other lives.

“We’d like to thank for all your support and taking interest in our Everest expedition. We will keep you up to date on any news about the rescue operation. At the same time our thought are with the families who lost their beloved ones in Nepal.”

Here are ways you can help Nepal:

Nepal Earthquake Appeal


Red Cross

What the Fibaro Mount Everest Challenge originally had planned



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