A progress report from Ian Morrish, Founder of Together For Cinema on a major fund raising effort.
In case you’re not already aware Chris Pinder, Managing D...
Together For Cinema Founder, Ian Morrish, provides EI with a full report of one of the latest projects to be completed; Rose Road Association, Southampton, Ham...
A new report submitted to EI by Together For Cinema founder Ian Morrish, covers this ambitious cinema project carried out for Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice...
EI presents a special case study looking at how a Together For Cinema project comes together. In this instance how well-established community support hub White...
EI provides a monthly round up of what is happening with the Together for Cinema initiative as part of a new regular programme of support.
The first thing t...
Above image: The White Lodge Centre in Chertsey, Together For Cinema’s 25th cinema room installation opened in September 2020.
All Things Media has committe...
Having successfully completed 25 installations, Together for Cinema has expanded its team of industry professionals to ensure it can continue to bring the indu...
The Magic
of the movies is bringing smiles to seriously ill children – with the opening
of a brand-new accessible cinema at a Chorley hospice.
As every installer will know, not all clients are easy to impress, least of all grateful for the work that integrators do. However this most definitely wasn’t t...