Feast your eyes on the latest offering from Pulse Cinemas in their brand new video. Talking exclusively to EI, the team at Pulse explain the appeal of the small...
After much work developing its facilities, Pulse Cinemas officially opened its doors and invited dealers/installers to experience the new look headquarters...
The full story you can read here, but CE Pro Europe recently revealed that the EU had made a ruling which appeared to ban ‘fully loaded’ Kodi boxes which give a...
Following the addition of Crestron control to the Pulse Cinemas HQ earlier in the year, the distributor has again made some upgrades to its demo facility...
With assistance from home cinema distributor Pulse Cinemas, Kent-based Modus Vivendi recently installed a £50,000 home theatre into the top floor of a UK home...
EI Live! has lots to offer in the way of home cinema innovation, including training from The Cinema Designer and ARCAM, packages from Pulse Cinemas and an Epson exclusive from AWE...