“I was apprehensive on my first visit to Chestnut Tree House as I didn’t know what to expect. I feared I would find the whole thing a little overwhelming,” Iain admits.......
Find out how you can get involved with the Together For Cinema project, a UK based initiative from the AV and install community which is helping hospices and similar organisations provide comfort and entertainment for residents...
Find out how Core Brands and integrator Joel Berrettini, owner of IT and Media Solutions, transformed life for an army veteran and his family delivering entertainment and control...
Cheena Srinivasan, founder and CEO of Kaleidescape, talks about the exciting 4K future of this popular CI platform promising 4K compatibility, more affordable machines and more studios...
The Source AV Crams Crestron and Kaleidescape into a Ford Skyliner
A custom Ford Transit van featuring Crestron Control and a Kaleidescape home cinema was one of the stars at the New York International Auto Show....