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Seymour AV Design

The French Connection

This impressive project was created by Seymour AV Design under extreme time constraints and with access to site issues. A home cinema and other exciting AV exp...
Perfect Integration

A Perfect Crescent

Perfect Integration used all of its experience and some high-performance brands including Wisdom Audio to deliver this world class relaxation and entertainment space to a beautiful, restored London crescent. Chris Knight, Managing Director, Perfect Integration, gave EI the tour....

The name is cinema, home cinema

This very special home needed a very special cinema of course and thanks to the efforts of install company Consexto, Trinnov and some of the best kit around, i...
Home cinema conversion

UK Garage Rocks

Angus Murray, Angus Projects Director at New Wave AV, provides the inside track on this exciting and fully loaded garage conversion Dolby Atmos home cinema. ...
Perfect Integration

Classic, calming and cultured home cinema

This very stylish home cinema expertly executed by Perfect Integration is just one of the cinemas in the running for our Smart Building Awards this year. The P...