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Finite Solutions

A/V Pros React to Brexit: Losing A 6-Figure Job

Essential Install Live! South: UK dealers and distributors see rising prices, stalled jobs and general uncertainty with Britain’s vote to exit the European Union; a 6-figure job is cancelled...

Finite Solutions’ Joe Gormley Takes The Installer Focus Q&A

Finite Solutions’ Joe Gormley thinks it’s time the custom installation business was distanced from the AV retail sector, saying that all companies providing proper custom installation solutions should use specialist products which are not available online or on the high street…...

Finite Solutions Creates Bespoke 007 Home Cinema

What do you install for a client that already owns a £100k cinema in another property, but wants the next one to be better, bolder and more Bond-esque? Finite Solutions had the perfect solution for this three-tier seating bespoke home cinema...