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EI Live! Interactive

EI Live! Interactive: Register Now!

EI Live! Interactive is a week-long initiative designed as a 2020 digital promotional platform with this year’s EI Live! show being  postponed until next year ...
Home cinema conversion

UK Garage Rocks

Angus Murray, Angus Projects Director at New Wave AV, provides the inside track on this exciting and fully loaded garage conversion Dolby Atmos home cinema. ...
Home Cinema

Epic Home Cinema Envy

After receiving a high-quality demo, there was only outcome the customer wanted for their home cinema project. Luke Crutcher, Director at Living Home Tech, tak...

Kaleidescape Vanhalla!

At a recent Pulse Cinemas event, EI bumped into Terence Ringwood founder of iSee-AV who had come to the event in his amazing camper van packed full of AV goodi...

Maven Makes Precious Pool Cinema

Another project that was one of the entrants in this year’s Smart Building Awards was this clever install expertly executed by installer company Maven for a cl...