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Ahead of today’s expected release of WatchOS 2.0, Apple Watch supposedly has 11,469 Apps on the App Store.

Despite reports suggesting that the Apple Watch is not exactly selling like hot cakes, developers seem confident in the platform’s long-term viability and attraction to customers.

AppAnnie’s latest figures are a huge increase from what the company reported in July, where it claimed 7,567 Apps were available, up from 6,352 in June.

Home automation firms are amongst those most interested in the Apple Watch, as reported on CE Pro Europe in the months since the watch’s release.

One reason behind the explosive adoption of the platform by developers could be Apple’s embrace of native Apps in WatchOS 2.0, which was announced at the company’s annual developers conference – WWDC.

Early reviews of the Apple Watch criticised Apps on the platform, both due to sluggish performance and developer’s not knowing how to best utilise the watch.

While home automation companies have all jumped on-board the Apple Watch bandwagon, AppAnnie claims that the gaming category has the largest number of Apps.

So how are other smartwatch platforms doing?

While a large number of devices support Google’s Android Wear platform, that may not be translating into a large number of Apps.

According to the most recent data available, May 2015, Android Wear features just over 4,000 Apps – far short of Apple’s total.

Despite that shortfall, Android Wear Apps have been growing steadily – much like Apple’s, so that figure could have changed drastically since May.

Apple will no doubt have more concrete numbers on how the Apple Watch is doing at the company’s event at 6PM UK time.

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