After 20 months hibernating, Aquavision has dusted of the roadshow trailer that first displayed at ISE 2019, updated all the equipment in it to the latest specification and added some exciting new products to it, ready for the eagerly awaited EI Live! Show. Register for the show here. See the roadshow trailer on Stand 79.
Aquavision founder and MD, Alastair Benn, explains, “86in high brightness MirrorVision+ frameless television design with the added benefit of one of our latest range of picture frame surrounds. There will be samples of all the different types of frame on the stand for you see, in a variety of different finishes. The 86in hight brightness mirror television shows the difference between the standard, commercially available televisions (Samsung/Sony/LG, etc) stuck behind a piece of security glass and a professional installation. With no reflection when the TV is turned ON, a near perfect mirror when the TV is turned OFF, and absolutely no visible signs of the screen position, Aquavision’s MirrorVision+ is the ultimate in mirror television.”
Alastair adds, “We will be showing all our standard waterproof and in wall models, including the Silhouette, Frameless, Classic and the new Frameless bezel model, with all different options of glass. Also showing will be a custom bespoke, in an arched shape, with custom print finish, showing what is possible in our range of bespoke glass sizes and finishes.
“The flag ship models of our DB100, 100in freestanding, floor mounted television will be showing, as will our biggest Horizon outdoor screen, the 100in horizon. This is one of the biggest outdoor televisions on the market and at 2000cd/m2, is one of the brightest. (No warning to keep this TV in the shade like Samsung do with their Terrace model!).”
This high-performance model features
• Aquavision’s CTM (Comprehensive Thermal Management), constantly monitoring humidity and temperature, and adjusts where necessary through the use of both internal heaters and fans, and now displaying this information live through the IP control feature.
• Aquavision’s ADST (Advanced Daylight Sensing Technology) constantly monitors and adjusts screen brightness to ambient light level to enhance your viewing experience and prolong the life of your Aquavision.
• Anti-glare glass is used as standard for enhanced viewing in bright sunlight.
• Optional accessory slot for Balan’s, DM receivers, HDBaseT receiver’s etc, enabling total integration with proprietary band operating systems whilst still retaining waterproof qualities.
The maker believes that the Horizon range really is the ultimate in outdoor television. As with all Aquavision products, everything on display has been hand-built in their own UK factory to exacting standards. Also, on the stand will be Dave Wilson from Dizztribution who are one of the maker’s newest distributors, who will be pleased to meet you all.
The company also underlines the training opportunities it is presenting at the show on the stand (79) every day at 10am and 3pm for 30 minutes. All participants will get a training manual emailed to them afterwards and a free goody bag at the end of the session. Places come on a 1st come, 1st served basis so please make sure you register to avoid disappointment. Further details can be found here.