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OneAV Adds Cel-Fi

OneAV has announced a new partnership with Cel-Fi, a brand solving dropped calls, poor voice quality and low data throughput caused by a weak cellular signal. ...

Stewart Filmscreen Redesigns Luxus

Stewart Filmscreen has announced the re-engineering of its successful Luxus Classic Model A, Retractable Below Ceiling Screen System. Redesigned from the g...

Stay Connected With Solwise

So, you know exactly how to make sure clients have rock solid network coverage at home and work, but what about when they are out and about? Growing numbers...

Mobile Signal Booster From CEL-FI

Anyone with a mobile phone is aware of the issue of low or no signal. Modern office buildings with complex electrical and climate efficient infrastructure o...

RGB Partners with Legrand AV

Legrand AV is the division of Legrand that supports both the residential and commercial AV markets. The group owns brands such as Chief, DaLite, Vaddio, Projec...

AV it all with Hayden

Hayden furniture is now available in the UK, offering custom installers a unique solution in addressing the consistent problem of housing AV equipment. Thi...