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Company Pages

ARC Angels

ARC Genesis, Anthem and Paradigm showcased at Pulse Cinemas The team from Paradigm/Anthem, including new Managing Director John Bagby, flew into Pulse HQ t...

Pulse Cinemas’ Demo Delights

Pulse Cinemas has recently been underlining its wide-ranging and high-performance demonstration facilities. For installer partners and their customers, the...

Three Thinking From Pulse Cinemas

Effective distribution is about constantly evolving to offer installation partners and end users something new and exciting. Pulse Cinemas has recently add...

EI Live! 2019 Review: Part Two

A new venue and fresh impetus from visitors, organisers and exhibitors alike, has helped EI Live! reach the next level in its development. Check out just some ...

Pulse Cinemas Partners With Pulse-Eight

Pulse-Eight’s range of AV control and distribution systems is now available from Pulse Cinemas. Both these brands will be at EI Live! register here. S...

Pulse Cinemas Media Room: Video Tour

Pulse Cinemas has been very busy of late up-dating its demonstration facilities at company HQ. The newest room to be completed is the impressive media room whi...

NGC’s showroom, showcase!

Working with partners including Pulse Cinemas, this recent installation of a brand-new showroom for NGC Systems is designed to show visitors just how awesome a...