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Technological Innovations Group (TIG) is pleased to announce that it is now able to offer Power Distribution Units (PDU) from GUDE that integrate with Crestron Home systems. This means users can now remotely control and monitor smart space devices in residential settings.

As an official partner of Crestron, GUDE has developed and now offers drivers that allow their IP power strips to be integrated into Crestron Home, an advanced operating system for managing smart home systems.

GUDE has worked with certified Crestron Master programmers at Ultamation Inc to develop the Crestron Home compatible drivers for their PDUs, which offer seamless and simple controls to manage one or multiple rooms, remotely or on the premises.

In practice this means that the owner of a remote power switch from GUDE can use Crestron Home on their mobile device in order to switch on, switch off or reboot devices such as media players, satellite boxes or routers. They can also easily see the current status of the connected devices, receive automatic alerts in case of irregularities and check and control their energy consumption.

Once in operation, the advantages of Crestron Home in conjunction with a GUDE remote power switch are multiple, including fail-safe power cycling of connected devices that helps applications to get back on their feet when they have hung up. This is either automatically via watchdog monitoring or by remote access via Crestron Home.

Additionally, it’s possible to add sensors to the PDU to monitor temperature, humidity and air pressure. This allows critical conditions to be avoided in advance, through preventive measures. Integrated energy meters in the IP power switches also allow for precise measurement of power consumption and enable energy saving strategies to be included in the integration.

TIG is supplying the GUDE PDUs to integrators throughout the EMEA region and can offer them alongside a full range of compatible Crestron Home products. 

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