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Netflix, Amazon Video and BBC iPlayer will all be missing from the Nintendo Switch at launch, despite video streaming apps being widely present on the company’s current games console, the Wii U.

Nintendo confirmed the absence in a Q&A with gaming publication Kotaku. A company spokesperson noted: “All our efforts have gone toward making the Nintendo Switch system an amazing dedicated video game platform, so it will not support any video streaming services at launch.”

That’s not to say that the Nintendo Switch won’t one day become a hub of streaming opportunities. The Wii initially didn’t have any video streaming apps when it launched in 2006, not surprising given the launch date, while the Wii U launched with a full suite of apps, including Netflix and YouTube. Nintendo has already confirmed that it is exploring its options regarding video streaming, with apps “being considered for a future update.”

The Nintendo Switch has enormous potential for video streaming, after all it is powered by the same chipset as the Nvidia Shield TV set-top box, a streaming device capable of pushing out videos in 4K HDR.

Those who are not all that bothered by the Nintendo Switch’s video streaming chops will be able to get their hands on the console when it launches in the UK March 3.

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