designflow is launching a luxury lighting design service exclusively for the AV/install industry. The aim is to add value to already amazing projects through carefully considered, well-managed lighting design.
The company says its integrators can expect the same high level of quality across this service and because of the very personal and subjective nature of residential lighting. The team has been expanded to include new very experienced lighting designers.
Keith Jones, designflow Co-Founder & User Experience Designer, explains, “We have the support of some of the world’s leading lighting manufacturers and we can offer a full turn-key service, from concepts, through to detailed design and site management, the supply of all the light fittings and provide support even after the installation is complete.”
designflow underlines that lighting design is a very personal service to the homeowners and their opinion and style allows them to shape the outcome of the design and involves face-to-face meetings with them and their wider site team. It is vital that knowledge and experience is leveraged to…
- Let the clients know what we do and why we do it and outline exactly what it takes to create amazing and long-lasting, high-end lighting designs.
- Go through what all the available types and styles of lighting are and what is available in both modern and traditional homes both inside and out.
- Find out what the client likes and dislikes from all the above and produce a concept ready for the detailed lighting design.
Keith adds, “We will be showing examples of concepts and completed lighting designs on our stand and our expert Adam Dent will be available to answer any of your questions. If you want your projects to stand out from the crowd whilst boosting your income and your businesses reputation in the industry, come and see us on Stand 120.
“A problem in our industry that we have seen time and time again is the architect (or other consultants) ‘having a go’ at the lighting design. These are not designs, they are simply a bunch of symbols on a plan with rows of generic downlights in all rooms and the obligatory pendants over islands. There is ZERO thought given to some of the most important technical aspects of lighting and ZERO management of the installation once the project starts.
“The lack of lighting designs on high-end, £1 million+ homes is costing the homeowner money through mistakes on site and is tarnishing what real high-end lighting design should be.”

Keith continues, “Integrators are missing out on additional revenue streams that do not require much input and can help raise the overall standard of their projects, providing more opportunities for press and photo features.”
designflow argues that manufacturers offering ‘free’ lighting designs are NOT LIGHTING DESIGNS, they are simply symbols on a floor plan with no instructions for the site team. The main issue with one of these ‘designs’, argues the company, or a lack of a design is responsibility; there is nobody taking overall responsibility for the lighting package as a whole. The lack of clarity from the start leads to mistakes being made that have to be paid for by someone. This usually leads to difficult discussions that could have easily been avoided.
Keith says, “We are going to highlight these problems and work to eradicate them and drastically improve our integrators client’s experience when it comes to lighting. This means not only producing amazing, detailed and technical lighting designs but instructing the electrical contractor on site in terms of overall loading, switching and dimming information, type and grades of cables, driver rating, driver positions and limitations and many other vital pieces of essential technical information.
“Whether it is a modern, open plan space or an entire traditional home, each one of our designs is different and completely tailored to the property and the homeowner. With our unique approach we are going to raise the bar within the industry and make more of the projects our integrators work on stand out from the crowd and be talked about in ‘glowing’ terms.”
Keith concludes, “Our lighting designs are brand agnostic and, unlike other design services offered out there that push individual brands or focus on certain types of lighting, we focus on balancing the client’s wants with the correct, high-quality lighting in each space whilst keeping an eye on the overall budget and offering alternatives to ensure the design is exactly what the client wants and sticking to the fundamental design principles.
“We have several different tariffs available depending on how many projects our partners have throughout the year. All our tariffs offer good margins with further options available to add more revenue streams for our integrators. This really is a partner program that will take our client’s projects to the next level and benefit everyone most importantly, the homeowners.”
Come and see designflow at Stand 120 and speak to Adam Dent to find out more about this new lighting design service.
All images courtesy of Deltalight.