Prove your humanity


A short up date from Together For Cinema Founder Ian Morrish

I am humbled and moved to write this…

On Friday April 1st Chris Pinder (MD of HDANYWHERE and OneAV) finished the MARATHON DES SABLES in a time of 34 hours, 43 minutes and 29 seconds. He finished 158th of over 1,000 extreme athletes and has so far raised £30,528 for Together For Cinema. I am in awe of what he has achieved.

‘Thank you Chris… My eyes filled with tears when I found out you had finished safe and sound, and my eyes are teary now whilst I write this. What you have achieved is incredible and a lesson and an inspiration to us all. Your determination to complete the course and raise a huge amount of money for a great cause has been amazing and I hold you in the very highest regard.

By supporting Together For Cinema, you will make a difference to the lives of thousands of children and young adults over the coming years. Bringing the cinema experience into their safe place is a great gift and I thank you on behalf of all those that will never know what you have done to help them…

It’s hard to explain in words how we all feel about what you have achieved, but I know that all of us at ‘Team Pinder’, and the hundreds of extended ‘Team Pinder’ members, supporters and donors, want to thank you for making a difference. ‘Do well’ your girls said…, and you did well… Well done Daddy.

I look forward to seeing you tonight when you land back at Gatwick Airport, back home, safe and sound…’

There is still time to acknowledge what Chris achieved and help this great cause by donating at You will also find more reports of his incredible journey across the Sahara desert.

‘Together For Cinema – together for better’

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