Vin Bruno Discusses Future Opportunities With Tech Legend Shelly Palmer
CEDIA’s Vin Bruno recently sat down with Shelly Palmer, an advertising, marketing and...
With Barco Residential’s DCI level projectors, home cinema enthusiasts can now take advantage of the highest possible quality day-and-date Hollywood content that is becoming available to high end cinema-at-home installations...
In a world exclusive interview, AV industry veteran Martin Hogbin argues he has created a totally new way to record and listen to music, delivering as big a cha...
Essential Install editor, Daniel J Sait, talks with Chris Edwards of looking at trends from this year's Essential Install Live! South and what this m...
As the only media reporting directly from the Crestron Masters 2016 event, CE Pro Eu presents an exclusive interview with Randy Klein, president and CEO and Robin van Meeuwen, president and CEO of Crestron EMEA, on the past, present and future of Crestron...