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Home Automation

Roost Takes On Nest With Smart Smoke Detector

Nest is not the only company capable of building a smart smoke detector, as Roost unveils its very own version, building on the company’s knowledge surrounding smart battery technology...

Logitech Harmony Control Comes To Sony Android TVs

Samsung is hoping to dominate the smart home of the future by integrating SmartThings into its 2016 TVs, but those with a Sony Android TV will also be able to control their home - thanks to Logitech Harmony...

Cyberhomes Provides Whole House Automation For Sub-Basement Home

Cyberhomes talks CE Pro Eu thought its award winning Best Whole House Integration project in Hampstead, which saw the company integrate AV, heating, lighting and security controls into a Savant pro home automation system and install a home cinema into the sub-basement property...

Amazon’s Alexa Now Works With Nest

Nest’s Learning Thermostat is great for saving users money, but controlling it via the App or physical device is cumbersome. Thankfully that’s no longer a problem as Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant now works with Nest...