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RTI Glow-Up Era At EI Live! 2024

The team at RTI can’t wait to see installation partners at EI Live!, where the brand will be showcasing the remarkable transformation of RTI, a brand that has ...

The Remaking Of Macclesfield Town FC

The team at Habitech Pro helped local installer ‘Lux Integrate’ to restore one of England’s oldest football clubs as a thriving sports/exercise and entertainme...
Perfect Integration

A Perfect Crescent

Perfect Integration used all of its experience and some high-performance brands including Wisdom Audio to deliver this world class relaxation and entertainment space to a beautiful, restored London crescent. Chris Knight, Managing Director, Perfect Integration, gave EI the tour....

New JP4 AVoIP makes significant advances

Compared with the consumer electronics industry, thankfully the world of AV integration moves at a more sedate pace, so when a new product is released that mak...
Habitech Cinema

Dream Team Home Cinema

A luxury family home near Knutsford, Cheshire has become the perfect palette for a team of home cinema professionals, bringing bespoke AV, interior and furnitu...