Prove your humanity



One Night In Bangkok!

Pip Evans, director of NV Integration, gives Ce Pro Europe the tour of this very special project that combines entertainment with the latest and greatest in aut...

Crestron Gets Colourful

Crestron collaborates with leading interior and lighting designers for a celebration of colour at FOCUS/18. This September, Crestron will be partnering with ...

Crestron Masters Training

Fresh from wining the Smart Building Award for Best Training Initiative, Crestron has announced another successful event for 2018. Taking place over two cont...
home cinema

Parisian Panache

Award wining install company Henri created this impressive home cinema in the heart of Paris. Jonathan Plaideau, the project manager in charge of the project, explains, “This private theatre was part of a bigger project were doing for this client....

Pro Install AV Creates Woodland Wonder

Formed in 2006, Pro Install AV has grown steadily over the past twelve years, taking on an increasingly larger-scale projects throughout the UK. The company ...