CEDIA has announced the 2018 finalists for the Home Technology Professional Awards.
The CEDIA Awards honour the top projects completed by home technology pro...
The CEDIA Home Technology Professional Awards were created to honour the best of the best in technical excellence, in all aspects of design, installation, and c...
The growth of the Internet of Things is having a profound effect on the custom install industry, with plenty of new options making it easier than ever to build ...
CEDIA has announced that the 2018 CEDIA Awards programme is now open and accepting entries for both the home technology professional awards and the manufacturer awards....
Perfect Integration’s role within a project to reduce the environmental impact of a historic property resulted in a double win at the 2017 CEDIA Awards. The London-based integrator received the Best Innovative Solution and Life Lived Best at Home accolades......
Following the technology integrator survey that was conducted in 2017, CEDIA has launched the report that looks at the trends and services in the home technolog...
Loads of ISE 2018 news coming Ce Pro readers' way over the next few weeks, however as is often the case often first out of the block with news is smart home tra...