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Vimar Control Brand Showcased At EI Live! 2020

See Vimar and IMP on Stand 47 at EI Live! 2020, sign up for the show here and visit the official show site here.

Conforming to the brand’s aim of delivering connectivity, simplicity, integration and design Vimar has developed the new and evolvedView IoT Smart System platform. It enables the integrated and coordinated management of all building systems through innovative technologies, efficient and user-friendly, highly customized and nice to see.

Distributed and supported in the UK by IMP Vimar promises the highest level of freedom of control via cloud connectivity and suport.

The brand sayseverything can be managed completely from everywhere, inside and outside: a programmed electronic device, an elegant touch screen surface-mounted, a voice assistant or a smartphone provided with the new View App.

All this allows the customisation and control of all functions inside the building(from comfort to security to energy saving), the creation of scenarios, the anti-intruder management, the reception of video calls and notifications about the home’s status. The integrated Vimar system, thanks to the cloud support, can be managed and reconfigured also remotely.

Also, thanks to the intuitive App View Pro, the installer can provide a real time assistance for any kind of maintenance or update.

The adoption of advanced cybersecurity standards in the domain of IoT guarantees the certainty that only authorised people can access the system, says the maker.


The architecture IP multi-gateway, based on a resident intelligence EDGE, also guarantees the whole system working, even without Internet connection.

The user interface is coordinated and crossed with all devices (touch screen, smartphone or tablet with the View App installed), and employs the immediate iconographic object-oriented language typical of the most important operating systems, making all operations really intuitive.

The accessibility to the information becomes easier and the learning curve of the system faster. An all-embracing and ergonomic user experience for a building management accessible to all.

IP gateways allow the functional integration of different systems and the control of all applications through the View App installed in supervisor touchscreens.

The Vimar Cloud allows access to the integrated system safely and respecting privacy.

The user can supervise the system (even without the router’s configuration) receiving notifications thanks to the most important operating systems’ services.

The cloud allows the integration with main devices available on the market for the system’s control through the vocal assistant.

All Vimar systems (the renewed By-me Plus, By-alarm, Elvox Video door entry system, Elvox CCTV and Elvox Automation) interact to provide high-quality comfort, energy efficiency and security.

A smart solution that communicates with other manufacturers to offer evolved, interconnected and customised functionalities, such as with Philips HUE.

EI Live! 2020
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