Prove your humanity


Whether it’s the meeting room, boardroom, lecture theatre, connected work space or your lounge at home, AV is an integral part of people’s lives and according to Touch Panel Control; it’s great to be able to use a smartphone to control the space you’ve just walked into.

This is the world of ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD).

Smartphones and tablets have become an integral part of a person’s life both at home and in commercial settings.

“If you take an average family of four and each family member has their own connected device, be it a smartphone or a tablet, suddenly having to go to your touch panel control to activate your lighting or AV doesn’t make much sense,” says Camran Boyle of Touch Panel Control Australia.

“A similar situation occurs in the workplace; employees are increasingly using their own smartphones and tablets at work because they are more comfortable using this technology to get the job done.”

Touch Panel Control believes many employees will not want to carry around two devices, one for personal use and another for work.

That’s why the company has developed its own BYOD solution.

The aim of this solution is to do away with the days of scrabbling around for remotes in the cupboard, uncharged panels, unsightly cables running across tables or non-functional equipment because someone forgot to notify IT.

With the BYOD feature, users can simply reach for their phone or tablet and take control of the space.

For an integrator, the key to a successful install is ease of deployment and minimal complications.

That’s why Touch Panel Control has focused on delivering a reliable BYOD and Cloud deployment (TPCloud) solution.

As the installer’s clients’ requirements expand, you can connect devices to their environment without the need for an onsite visit.

“When you introduce BYOD to your client, you’ll be giving them peace of mind and you’ll enjoy greater productivity, convenience and reduced overheads,” Camran adds.

Touch Panel Control is the author of TPControl and the inaugural AMX Authorised Product Partner – inducted over five years ago to the AMX family.

As such, the company guarantees that TPControl is certified and maintained to AMX’s exacting standards by a team that is passionate about mobile technology and the growing Internet of Things.

Touch Panel Control won the ‘best dedicated touchscreen’ Smart Building award at Essential Install Live! South in June.

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