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Crestron has updated its London showroom enabling homeowners, architects, interior designers and integrators to try out some of the latest products in the company’s range.

Located in the Design Centre at Chelsea Harbour, the new showroom demonstrates the latest in Ultra High-Definition sources and displays, as well as offering up details on how 4K can benefit users.

Also on display is Crestron Pyng, a home automation App that enables control of a variety of functions from within the home through an ‘easy-to-use’ user interface. The company hopes that this simple approach could lead to even the most technophobic customers being able to get to grips with it.

Crestron is keen to point out in its demonstrations that Pyng comes with a cloud backup option too, meaning even if a customer does make a mistake, integrators can easily make any corrections with the click of a button. 

Those looking to try out some of Crestron’s new control panels from the TSW-X52 range will find these at the company’s new showroom.

The TSW-X52 range allows users to interact with a touch panel and do everything from change the lighting scene to answering the door directly from it.

Installers wanting to check out what Crestron has to offer can make an appointment to view the new showroom at the company’s website.

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