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The Pulse-Eight Group is pleased to announce joining the Home Technology Association as a Platinum Supporting Brand. The Home Technology Association (HTA) connects homeowners with the most reputable and qualified AV installation professionals in the home technology industry. By becoming a Platinum Supporting Brand, Pulse-Eight says it is keen to help shape the organisation and add value to its members through best-in-class programs and innovative products.

The Pulse-Eight Group, consisting of both Pulse-Eight and the Zektor brands, specialise in both HDBaseT video and audio distribution solutions for residential and commercial applications. By offering products consisting of both simple video and audio distribution with proprietary CEC control to Advanced 4K 60Hz video solutions with full audio management that effortlessly work with all major third-party control solutions, means the Pulse-Eight Group truly does have it all.

Martin Ellis group CEO says, “Bringing our products and services to HTA members is something I’ve longed to do for some time. Becoming a Platinum Supporting Brand not only affords us a unique opportunity to reach out and work with HTA members directly by offering the very best solutions to their clients, but also as a platinum supporting brand, it gave us the unique opportunity to help guide and shape our industry with the help of all the members and fellow supporting manufacturers.”

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