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Janus Technology will unveil its unique range of lighting improvements available to Control4 dealers through its feature-rich Color Wheel for Control4 and Circadian Lighting drivers at EI Live!. Also, on Stand 63, Janus will outline the range of services they offer to help home technology installers grow their business by bringing heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) control into their projects with simple, efficient and CI compatible Building Management System (BMS) solutions.  

Color Wheel for Control4 provides an elegant and intuitive web interface for integrators to easily adjust and regulate multiple lighting channels from different controllers, including Control4 RGB, RGBW and Tuneable White (WW) Lighting drivers. Running as a service on any Control4 T3 or T4 touchscreen supporting webview, Color Wheel for Control4 makes lighting set up configuration super-fast and simple. Visitors to EI Live! will be able to see how it auto-detects all compatible lights to build an attractive interface, which can support up to 8 scenes per room with on-screen visual scene colour indication. Color Wheel for Control 4 is widely compatible with a large range of control devices, including Lutron, Rako, KNX lighting control, supporting all KNX datapoints, low cost WiFi RGB controllers and more.

Janus Technology will also demonstrate its Circadian Lighting driver suite, allowing integrators to easily program human-centric lighting for any tuneable white dimmers. Each circadian lighting controller can configure a schedule for a subset of lights to enable the creation of multiple, entirely different schedules on any one project. In this way, integrators can synchronise the colour temperature of lamps to a specific location and/or available daylight levels or even program the sleep schedule to give warmer colours at bedtime and cooler ones during the day.

Visitors can also find out more about the Janus Control4 BMS Monitor which enables easy monitoring and adjustment of thermostat data, such as current temperature, setpoint, HVAC mode and HVAC state and weather compensation, via a simple web interface. Another HVAC control innovation on show at EI Live! will be the Janus Heatmiser / Coolmaster thermostat driver for Control4 that allows integrators to control and manage heating and cooling zones for a wide range of Heatmiser and Coolmaster products using a single driver.  In addition, the Janus Technology team will be on the Stand to help integrators bridge the gap between CI and BMS to create seamless, practical and easy to understand solutions for clients.

For more information visit Janus Technology on Stand 63 at EI Live in Farnborough on 29-30 September 2021.

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