Prove your humanity


As part of the organiser’s commitment to continue to evolve and add value to the UK’s only dedicated Smart Building event, Essential Install Live!, a brand new website is now live delivering a 21st century portal to support the North and South events.

Divided into easy to identify sections, the new site ( provides dynamic access to registration, exhibitor news, vital information for visitors and exhibitors, news on the Smart Building Awards, floor-plans, venue and accommodation info, image galleries from previous events and information on Essential Install Magazine.

The refreshed design has been created to offer detailed information to exhibitors and visitors alike, but has also been introduced to drive footfall, awareness and prepare the shows to keep up with demand as the smart building industry increases in size and scope.

The news section for each event keeps visitors fully up to date on everything that can be seen at each show; if you are exhibiting at Essential Install Live! North, make sure you let the show editorial team know what you will be focusing on at the event so we can let the install universe know. Email you images and info to

If you are an installer, keep an eye on the news part of the site as more information is added on what you can see and hear at the show to improve your offering to customers.

The news section also covers additions and new initiatives to the shows.

You could be crowned Essential Install Live! Champion Integrator

The North section currently features a story on how the shows are collaborating with Cornflake, one of the UK’s largest and most successful installation companies, to create the Essential Install Live! Integrator Challenge.

The Essential Install Integrator Challenge is just one of several new features being added to the Essential Install Live! concept and is designed to deliver a fun and engaging way for install technicians to test themselves against their peers and win some top prizes to boot.

At Essential Install Live! show organisers and Cornflake will collaborate to create a room set with a working AV system with some pesky faults introduced. Installers will compete to find those faults, being judged by Cornflake technicians.

Prizes such as major publicity through the pages of Essential Install, adventure days, cool products and some yet to be announced benefits all await, as well as the prestige of being crowned Essential Install Live! Champion Integrator.

David Kitchener, company MD of All Things Media, the company behind the shows, says: “Right from the start, the Essential Install Live! shows have evolved each year in order to keep the show’s relevant, lively and most important of all, useful business drivers for the smart building industry. The new website is the latest step in that continued quest, however we will also be introducing other new initiatives such as key note speakers and a revamped training programme. Stay tuned for more news on those very soon. Meanwhile do enjoy our new website and see you at the Northern show on October 14!”

Check out the 3D virtual tour of Essential Install Live! South 2015 on the links below.

Virtual tour of the main hall part 1

Virtual tour of the main hall part 2

Virtual tour of the main hall part 3

Inside the Artcoustic lounge

Inside the RGB and Savant Systems Europe area

Read the show review below…

Essential Install Live! South Show Review And Slideshow

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