Prove your humanity


It’s not been a good few months for everyone’s favourite clenched-jawed rapper, 50 Cent (real name, Curtis James Jackson).

After famously rapping the lyrics: “Have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire,” his boast has not turned out to be strictly true – recently filing for bankruptcy after reportedly spending $72,000 (£45,000) a month on upkeep of his mansion, including over £3,000 alone on gardening costs each month.

Once valued at £99 million by Forbes Magazine, the rapper has seen his fortune dwindle after his lavish spending started to outstrip his earnings.

He was forced to file for bankruptcy in June after a New York judge ordered him to pay £4.5 million to Lastonia Leviston, who accused the rapper of posting a tape of her on the internet.

50 Cent is known to rub his wealth in the faces of his Instagram followers. Here is his snack table.

His personal financial information was revealed and was recently posted online by a court, revealing losses of more than £6.4m in 2013 and 2014 alone.

His most valuable asset is his Connecticut mansion valued at £5.32 million, which features (amongst other things) a home cinema, a nightclub, a recording studio, a conference room, a green screen room to shoot music videos, several hydraulically lifted TV platforms, full-house touch panel control, a CCTV system, not forgetting 37 bathrooms and five whirlpool baths.

The £45,000 a month in expenses for the mansion in addition to the gardening, mortgage and utilities charges include £5,800 a month on security, £966 on ‘household supplies’, £8,400 on insurance, £2,900 on repairs and maintenance, £970 on pool maintenance and £390 on telephone service.

The rapper’s other expenses include child support for two children as well as supporting a grandparent, auto lease payments (he owns seven cars worth £322,000, including a 2010 Rolls Royce Phantom Drophea) meals and entertainment costs, travel expenses, personal grooming, clothing and miscellaneous items.

Take a look inside his ostentatious AV home in the slideshow above and right.


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