Prove your humanity


Formally known as the Essential Install Trade Awards, organisers are delighted to announce that these awards have been over-hauled and re-invented and are now to be called the Smart Building Awards.

Reflecting the development of Essential Install Live! South to represent a wider audience and range of products and services, the Smart Building Awards are open to installers, manufacturers, distributors and service providers working in both the commercial and domestic sides of AV and install.

The awards will be supported and promoted by the CE-Pro Europe and Commercial Integrator Europe websites as well as Essential Install magazine and of course the Essential Install Live!

The concept has been devised to represent all that is best about the CI and integration industry right across Europe and deliver an inclusive awards entry process that companies from the very smallest, to the very largest can all be involved with.

Entering the Smart Building Awards is free and could not be easier; entrants simply log on to the specially created website, take note of the criteria of the categories they intend to enter, load the words and pictures for their entry and the job is done.

The judging process is also brand new, using an online voting system where a panel of industry experts made up in the main by installers, will vote for their favourites independently from each other.

Some of the judges have already been appointed, but if you are an installer and would like to get involved with the judging, email to register your interest.

The aim of the Smart Building Awards is to deliver the most representative, inclusive and up to date awards initiative in the AV/install world and create a recognised brand and seal of industry approval for years to come.

Categories for the awards take in those offered by the old Essential Install Awards, but also with some new ones in order to offer a wider range of entry possibilities and deliver a wider assessment of the leaders in each product category.

The award winners will be announced and presented at a special drinks reception held after the first day of Essential Install Live! South taking place at Sandown Park, June 9-10.

Deadline for getting entries in is May 15, 2015.

Check out the categories on the next page.

Register your entry here and get involved!

Smart Building Awards Categories

Best Distributor 2015
Will be awarded to the company judged to have provided the most added value to its install/integrator partners by not only delivering a compelling and cohesive family of products, but also offering high-class technical support, training and reliable logistics.

Best Manufacturer 2015
Awarded to the manufacturer judged to have released the most compelling products in 2014/15, allowing installers to expand their business and increase profits and or functionality. Manufacturers will also be asked to show how they have supported installers and their distribution partners with technical support and training.

Smart Building Training Award
Presented to the organisation, manufacturer, trade body/association, manufacturer or distributor judged to have provided the best training course or set of courses/initiatives during 2014/15. Judges will be looking for clear course objectives and evidence of completion resulting in provable advantages/business opportunities to course delegates.

Smart Building Product Launch Awards
These are open to manufacturers selling into commercial or domestic custom install and integration. In each category entrants will be expected to explain clearly what is special, new or advantageous to installers using the product. Products must have been launched or received a significant upgrade or redesign in 2014/15.

Products covered will include: Matrix/Signal Distribution Product, Flatscreen TV/Pro Display, Projector, Projector Screen, Cable Solution, Loudspeaker, Multi-Room/Zone Music Solution, Dedicated Touch-Screen (hand-held or wall mounted), Bracket/Rack or Mounting Product

Smart Building Trade Awards Installer/Integrator Categories

Again open to companies working in the domestic or commercial sectors, entrants will be asked to provide evidence of innovation, skill, meeting a particularly difficult technical challenge and ultimately delivering a truly bespoke package to the client. Tell us the story of your project and why you deserve to win. In each category a winner and runner up will be awarded.

Categories will include: Best Whole House Project, Best Commercial Integration Project, Best Cinema Project


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