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Beginning Wednesday June 23, exclusively released via Essential Install, smart home and premium AV distributor AWE will present a series of specially produced top-tip educational videos looking at key aspects of the residential install industry.

As the smart home and integration sectors continue to run at pace, finding the time to train in person can be a challenge. During lockdown, many companies ramped up the ‘digitisation’ of their training and information offering and AWE’s Smart Home Academy has been at the forefront. AWE has always been a company committed to training stretching back many years with a continually updated portfolio of courses and initiatives designed to support its installation partners. In person is still going to be a big part of AWE’s training, but the power of video based small group live training to deliver content to the industry in a more accessible and flexible way is something the company was among the first to embrace. The AWE Educational Top Tips series is the next part of that commitment and is a bite-sized on-line expression of the company’s desire to continue to innovate and offer support across a range of platforms.

Launching with a series of short top-tips videos covering some of the most frequently asked questions across some of the most popular topics that installers request support on, the collection will help installers understand key technologies better and reveal where some may benefit from more in-depth training. The experienced team at AWE will share their technical knowhow and inside knowledge to deliver snappy content that viewers can apply directly into their businesses and out in the field.

There will be 8 initial videos in total delivered one per week, each being just a few minutes long.  Having easily accessible education accessible from wherever busy installers are, in the office or on onsite, is going to be an important resource and AWE and Essential Install have teamed up to ensure that is exactly what the industry will get.

Stuart Tickle, AWE Managing Director, says, “We are really excited to be launch this series, there is loads of great content to come, so keep your eyes and ears peeled for the first video which will go live on Wednesday 23rd June! We are fully committed to making sure we supply support and information to our customers in ways they find accessible and relevant. We hope you enjoy the AWE Educational Top Tips series.”

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