Virgin Media is currently expanding its cable network, with an investment of £3bn having been poured into connecting more homes than ever. Dubbed Project Lightning, the cable operator is hoping to reach an additional four million properties by 2019. The problem with its rapid expansion is that the company needs to lay new cables – and some homeowners have begun receiving letters informing them that their garden is to be dug up.
Those who receive letters from Virgin Media may immediately assume that they’re simply getting marketing material, although the company has actually been informing residents of potential disruption. Some locals of Balloch and Craigmarloch didn’t quite get the memo, however.
Speaking to the local newspaper, Cumbernauld News, Barry McCulloch, Cumbernauld North Councillor, notes: “I am urging everyone to ensure that if they get a letter from Virgin, they open it and read it. It might just be advertising, but it could be to tell you that cables are due to be installed in your street.
“I know of some residents who have contacted Virgin to tell them not to dig on their property, but other people have been surprised to find their driveways being dug up.”
As part of Virgin Media’s massive expansion the company is having to dig up everything from public highways to gardens. The company is supposed to put everything back the way it found it, although that hasn’t always been the case.
A Virgin Media spokesperson confirmed that there had been issues in Scotland, although notes that it is working hard to ensure work is carried out to the highest standard.
Speaking to Cumbernauld News, the spokesperson notes: “While we continue to expand our fibre broadband network to more homes across the country, we endeavour to minimise disruption for the local communities.
“In this case we have received one defect notice and we apologise to North Lanarkshire Council and the local residents affected by the streetworks carried out by contract partners on behalf of Virgin Media.
“We are working with our contractors to ensure that all work is carried out with professionalism and at the highest standard, and to safeguard against such mistakes in the future.”
With Virgin Media promising to roll-out speeds in excess of 300Mbps across its network, it’s likely that some residents won’t mind a little disruption.