The Artura team (Stand 26) will focus on showing the possibilities and interaction of the company’s Saas platform to the target groups of consultants/designers and system integrators. The main goal is to expand the platform’s network and create new opportunities introducing visitors to this platform where IT/AV system design, engineering, installation, and commissioning can be created, managed, and shared.
Artura takes each company through a well-thought-out and efficient design process, allowing users to move through all project stages in an interactive, real-time environment.
As everything synchronizes, each team benefits from the efforts put into Artura. The system allows designers to skip many repetitive steps in the design process, making the outcome more reliable, like drawing in the cables for you. Continuous professional development, relevant expertise from the industry and the modular setup complete the unique proposition of Artura.
Find out more and register for EI Live! 2023 here.
Highlights from Artura functionality include:
Sales proposals
Soon users can turn their design into client-winning proposals and have the engineering ready in a few days saving a lot of sales and engineering hours.
Version management
Clients always want to make changes whenever they see the end product coming together. Of course, it can be tricky to document and find all the exact changes to implement. Are you still sharing ‘system_projectYellowAVIT_rev8.pdf’ by E-mail with 15 people? With interactive version management in Artura, users can quickly switch between the latest and previous versions and see all the changes done live on the screen. Versions make it easy to update systems and implement new wishes.
Artura reporting is a powerful, complete tool to customise the data from Artura; you can add logos, styles, front pages, or anything clients like to know about your company.
The ultimate Rack designer
Never before has a rack builder provided this kind of interaction, argues the company. When you finish all the cabling, the number of cables automatically shows up on the top—even showing you internal rack connections with other equipment. You can drag and drop new products into your racks or move them to another rack, optimizing your rack designs in the Artura rack designer.