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Habitech was keen to underline its home cinema credentials with a full demo aping the concept from its own Design Centre theatre experience at the company’s HQ.

Jonathan Pengilley, company MD, said: “Lots of people are talking about 4K, but we are actually doing it!

“Our new Design Centre gave the opportunity to pull together products that can really deliver the new technology, that once you experience, you never want to go back from.”

The company was particularly keen to underline how important achieving the super wide screen format that around 85% of movies are created in by using the Panamorph lenses partnered with a JVC X9000 projector.

Jonathan was also at pains to point to the new line of Firenzi theatre seating which offers an alternative to the higher-end Salamander range the company also offers.

The new seats come with a three-year warranty, are all leather and are fully electric. For extra comfort, the foot rest and head rest can be altered separately.

Jonathan added: “The real strength here is in all the brands we have pulled together here, Yamaha amplification, Sonance speakers, JVC’s X9000, a Panamorph Paladin 2.4:1 lens on a 4m ultra-wide Projecta screen, all combine to deliver the best available in home cinema right now.”

More news from the other brands in the Habitech cinema included a new roadshow being undertaken by Projecta to explain and underline its pedigree in the manufacturing of screen material.

Projecta is one of only three companies in the world that makes materials specifically for projection screens. During its roadshow the company will be travelling around the country to explain how it provides protection to pixels in the 4K era and how to get the best from its products. If your company wants a visit from Projecta, get in touch with the brand via Habitech.

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