A worthy entry in this year’s Smart Building Awards was this fine home cinema created by New Land Solutions.
Luke Newland, Owner, New Land Solutions, explains, “From the outset, it was clear this home cinema installation was going to be one of our most ambitious to date. We were installing the entire smart tech system across our client’s 1500sq ft new build, at the heart of which was to be a stunning basement home cinema.
“The bar for performance was extraordinarily high on all counts. Having shown the client a range of demos, Meridian Audio’s largest demo theatre was the one that truly bowled him over. He tasked us to match the quality and scale of the demo room and gave us a significant degree of creative freedom to do so.”

Luke underlines, “Being tasked to match the quality of one of our most respected partner’s flagship demo theatres on a private project was a dream commission for us. Given our oversight of the entire property’s smart tech, his trust in our expertise and significant project budget- we considered it feasible to match or even outstrip this highest of standards of audio-visual performance.
“Naturally, a demo theatre showcases the finest available products in conditions carefully controlled to optimise their output. The challenge was to bring this calibre of AV in line with the comfort, convenience and usability expectations of the smart system of an ultramodern, high value new build. For us, this project wasn’t just about meeting our client’s high expectations; it was about pushing the limits of what can be achieved with private home cinemas.”
Luke explains, “The only constraints we had were the four walls of the room we had to work with, and the clients’ preference for control via a remote rather than an iPad. But, with our passion for simplifying state-of-the art tech, this was really no constraint at all. The resulting installation is comfortably one of the most luxurious, elaborate and technologically capable home cinema projects we’ve had the pleasure to observe.

“The lavish carpet, curtain, custom red seating and brass finished furniture contribute to an opulent retro-cinema feel; but there’s nothing retro about the cinema tech itself. With subtly concealed Atmos 9.4 loudspeakers accompanying the authoritative Meridian Audio DSP8000 SE twinned behind the screen, the home cinema boasts one of the most powerful audio systems achievable in private cinema.”
To match, world class image quality is projected via a mirror mount from a Barco Loki projector, suspended in the ceiling. The meticulously treated room is illuminated by KNX lighting, with six circuits for separate scenes, complete with row lamps, LED strips and step lights to lead the owners out of the room. All controllable from just the Savant Pro remote.