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Integrators currently installing the Loxone server-based smart home control system will be pleased to hear that HDanywhere’s mHub 2K, mHub 4K and Modular video matrixes are now predefined devices within the Loxone Config software (version 6.2 and upwards), making integration quicker and easier with the little green Loxone Miniserver and Miniserver Go!

Loxone’s Miniserver (designed for DIN rail mounting) and Miniserver Go (designed for retrofits) can send IP commands to any current HDanywhere video matrix.

Via the Loxone Config software, which is free of charge and compatible with both Windows and Mac, installers can integrate the matrix and programme macros.

Installers can set up a movie mode, for example, which enables end-users to turn on multiple AV devices, pre-set to their preferred sources and volume levels, as well as control lighting, heating and blinds at the touch of a button.

The Loxone App is free of charge for homeowners to download and can be used to switch source devices on the matrix in a specific room or throughout the whole home.

Clicking the ‘AV’ category will display the list of rooms which have a TV, so it’s quick and easy to check which source is playing in which room.

Omid Nikroo (project & technical consultant at Loxone UK explains Loxone’s motivation to work with HDanywhere: “I am into AV systems myself and HDanywhere were already on my radar. I had seen their blue Modular martrixes and heard good things from some of our existing installers, as well as some chat on AV forums.

“Being a techie and a bit of an AV nut, I looked up the capabilities of their Modular HDMI matrix and was impressed with the overall spec and price point. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they are a British company and got straight in touch to find out more about them and their product range. Without hesitation, they sent Daniel (technical director at HDanywhere) over to meet with us to discuss their system. I was expecting a salesman, but got a technician which was refreshing, and meant all my questions were answered in one meet.”

Omid adds: “The ideal scenario was to integrate through IP and we had this up and running in no time. The IP controls of their full range of devices is now built directly into our software, so without any direct wired link, we can integrate the AV distribution system into all of our smart homes. It was great to find a company with such an open door policy, who see the value of integration with other systems.”

Learn more about Loxone here

More HDanywhere compatibility partners here


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