The commercial floor is a new addition this year and marks a new milestone in the development of the show offering commercial installers the same access to this affordable and easy to attend show....
If you believe that networking is a subject where you can 'get by' with some basic knowledge (or just hire a chap who 'knows about that') then think again....
AWE Europe explains it will be working with the RDI to promote its Smart Home Academy products and services direct to the Institute’s UK installation database and to the wider digital sector....
UK Construction Week, which will run from 6-9 October 2015, targets anyone involved in construction and will contain nine dedicated events running at the Birmingham NEC....
The pathway was designed after feedback from installers stating their desire to move into the higher technology areas associated with Connected Home technologies, but who did not have the basic knowledge to make this step....
These two workshops, led by CEDIA’s education director, Simon Buddle and featuring subject matter experts from within the CEDIA community, will each comprise four separate sessions and allow installers to explore these significant topics in greater depth and detail....