Alexa is officially hitching a ride with BMW, Amazon has announced. The new partnership should bring Alexa integration into all BMW and Mini vehicles starting i...
Using Alexa Voice Service, manufacturers can build Alexa’s intelligent voice control into any product with an Internet connection, a microphone and a speaker, for free, and with no experience with natural language understanding or speech recognition required...
BMW has revealed that later this year users will be able to access the BMW Connected App, allowing BMW vehicle users with BMW ‘ConnectedDrive Services’ activated to perform functions such as check their remaining fuel levels and lock their car doors via voice commands to their Echo speaker...
CE Pro Eu met with Paul Fletcher, an award winning architect and independent client adviser; thought-leader and innovative design-thinker with a passion for advancing the relevance of the built environment. Paul has some fascinating insights into the buildings of the future and is keen to urge all those involved to make sure they are asking as well as answering the right questions…...