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ARCAM AVR5 Includes Dirac Live

Swedish digital audio pioneer Dirac announced that the new ARCAM AVR5 receiver is Dirac Ready to run Dirac Live Room Correction, the company’s solution to ensu...
Dirac Live

Dirac accelerates global growth

Dirac, the audio expert company, has announced the completion of new direct share issue raising $17.73-million USD (150 MSEK) from TIN Fonder and DIG Investmen...

miniDSP Teams with Dirac

The affordable new ambiMIK-1 with 3D audio processing from Dirac lets AR/VR developers, musicians, podcasters, videographers, and vloggers record immersive, sp...
Dirac Live

Room Correction System Shoot Out

One of the hottest subjects in the industry right now is room correction, taking high-performance systems and tuning them specifically for the environment they...