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Aimed at electricians, smart home installers and the developer market, Wondrwall says its easy to fit system is the world’s first learning smart home modular system.

At the core of Wondrwall’s technology are its light switches which are used instead of standard fittings in a retro fit or new built and contain 13 different sensors that monitor temperature, humidity, power, motion, luminosity and sound to create a network of over 100 sensors throughout a typical three-bedroom home.

Using machine learning and predictive modelling to learn occupants’ habits and preferences, Wondrwall works out how a home is used and automatically makes real-time adjustments to its heating, lighting and security.

“Our vision of an intelligent home is to give it a brain and the ability to control itself,” says Daniel Burton, founder & CEO of Wondrwall. “We’ve never found the idea of having to go to your phone to control isolated parts of your home – for example heating and lighting – to be particularly intelligent.

“Instead we created a system that independently controls all aspects of the home based on how the people inside it live and behave as well how the home itself performs.”

Daniel adds, “The power of our AI technology lies in our unique dataset with over 100 sensors in every home generating huge amounts of data about habitational patterns and how the home performs and our state-of- the-art machine learning algorithms. No other system embeds the equivalent number of sensors in to homes and the level of data we capture is the first of its kind in the world.”

Amazon’s Alexa voice technology is integrated into each switch so users can control the home by speech. Wondrwall also works with and controls smart devices from other vendors via Alexa and is compatible with Sonos. As well as the light switches, Wondrwall system also includes a thermostat, a siren and a key fob (to arm and disarm).

The system works over Zigbee so can act independently from Wi-Fi, the switches however do have Wi-Fi in-built, connecting them to the cloud and the machine learning and predictive modelling platform. Wi-Fi is also used to connect to Alexa. An iOS and Android mobile apps give full manual control as well.

The company says the cost of installing the Wondrwall system into a typical three-bedroom house is around £1,332.

The company’s plan is to have install partners from the CI, electrician and developer markets. It will sell direct, but says it will focus on the ‘pro install’ market.

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