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According to 9to5Mac, Apple is rumoured to be planning the release of an App designed to manage smart home products, which is reportedly being tested by Apple employees at the moment.

The concept revolves around the idea that using Siri or the Home App, users will be able to remotely control parts of their homes directly from iOS devices.

The Home Application is said to be ‘fairly basic’ in its functionality, including being able to wirelessly discover and set up compatible HomeKit devices, create a virtual representation of rooms in the home to easily organise and connect HomeKit devices, utilise the Apple TV as a hub connecting all of the HomeKit devices, whilst offering a series of screens to help users find new HomeKit devices and Apps.

It is thought that HomeKit will rely in part upon the Home App to securely manage a connected home full of accessories and data.

Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 8th will reveal whether these speculations have any merit.

More news on Apple’s HomeKit…

Apple HomeKit Not Delayed Despite Reports

This Manufacturer Is The First To Support HomeKit for WiFi and Bluetooth Accessories



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