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ABB has announced the ABB-free@homeTouch 4.3in, a new ultra-compact controller designed specifically for the company’s smart home system.

Offering an 8mm mounting height, installers with little room to play with will the 4.8in ABB-free@homeTouch controller more versatile than that of its larger 7in sibling – which comes with a mounting height of 29mm.

Despite the difference in size, the two units are largely the same functionality-wise. Both offer 16 configurable functions and can control heating, lighting and blinds or curtains – all while integrating sensors for temperature control.

For the launch of the ABB-free@homeTouch 4.3in, ABB has altered the design slightly from the 7in model. With the latest model, users should expect a capacitive display with a continuous glass surface. The 4.3in does lack the IP30 certification of the 7in model, however.

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