Automation platform Savant has introduced an educational platform featuring online tools in support of Savant integrators seeking to add lighting fixture sales and installation as part of their services. This new tool set, along with USAI Lighting’s dealer education initiatives are designed to give integrators the confidence they need to succeed within this category.
New Savant Fixture Designer
Savant’s new interactive Fixture Designer tool is available to all authorized integrators via the Savant Store. This resource has been designed to help integrators understand the variety of options available in each fixture style,including available colour technologies, housing options and trim finishes. Once fixtures have been selected, integrators will have access to everything they need including detailed pricing, fixture specification sheets, IES photometric files and associated part numbers.
New Savant Online Training Series
Savant’s new five-module online training series is now available on the Savant University and includes a product offering overview, quoting best practices,system architecture overview, and a get-started guide on how to create and quote your next project using the new Savant Fixture Designer.
Educating the Industry
Savant argues its educational initiatives, along with Savant’s newest DMX lighting products and TrueImage user experience are enabling integrators to envision a holistic smart solution for their clients and achieve success within the lighting category. Educating technology integrators on the opportunities and best practices in the lighting market is an important step toward being successful for the company in this category.
As an example, Ann Schiffers, senior vice president of LED lighting manufacturer USAI Lighting, has been educating integrators on the importance of quality lighting, including information on how humans see and process light, key wellness benefits, and more. See her inaction at a recent Azione Unlimited conference here….
“In my time working with the fixture design tool I have found the interface easy to use, intuitive, and straight forward –I honestly don’t see how it could be any simpler,” says Joe Tame, lead systems designer at eInteractive. “The pertinent information is a simple click away to assist in product selection and feature guidance – with easy-to-understand descriptions for each. I also like that the summary page provides cut sheets and installation information needed for the electricians and/or the design team. It’s really nice not having to hunt through a website in order to pull the required specs together.”