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At the heart of every Wilson Audio product, you will find designs specifically created to elevate the audio playback experience in your home.

It is precisely this codified North Star approach that led Wilson Audio’s founder, David A. Wilson, to the development of the WATT (Wilson Audio Tiny Tot) almost four decades ago. David created not only what was to become the upper module of the venerable WATT/Puppy combo, but also charted the design process now formalised in the Wilson Audio Special Application Engineering (WASAE) ethos.

When Wilson Audio began sketching out the modern-day follow-up to the renowned Tiny Tot, it was clear from the outset that TuneTot would have a similar LF extension profile, a result of limited internal enclosure volume, and would be accompanied one day by a specialised subwoofer system. This compact subwoofer had to complement TuneTot’s application parameters, specifically considering the home environments for which the TuneTot was built. The WASAE team was not satisfied with merely a miniaturisation of its core technologies, they wanted to produce a loudspeaker to perform with the timbral beauty, dynamic nuance, soundstage resolution, and transparency in environments which are typically hostile to all these qualities. Today, TuneTot is the cornerstone of many systems found across the globe in spaces not typically conducive to such qualities: offices, studies, bedrooms, etc.

Thus, LōKē (sounds like “low-key”), Wilson Audio’s smallest and most compact subwoofer system, is an extension of the TuneTot eco system. Lōkē not only encompasses full compatibility across the myriad of TuneTot installations, but also fundamentally expands the core capabilities of its other smaller floorstanding loudspeaker models: SabrinaX, Yvette, Sasha DAW, and their predecessors.

Many subwoofer offerings on the market leave the enclosure an underdeveloped aspect of their potential performance envelope. Unfortunately, this leads to the enclosure exhibiting colorations that add unwanted low frequency bloating. As the development of Lōkē solidified, WASAE engineers selected Wilson Audio’s extremely damped X-Material for the external enclosure. A strategic combination of X-Material and HDF comprise the internal bracing support structure ensuring a solid foundation for the woofer coupling. Following the TuneTot’s elegant architectural and sonic elements, Lōkē allows ease of installation and impressive performance while skilfully leaving a remarkably small footprint.

As part of the design approach, the WASAE team took data points from Wilson Audio’s larger subwoofer systems: Wilson Audio Subsonic, Thor’s Hammer, and W.A.T.C.H. Dog. While these passive and large volume subwoofer systems provide ultimate flexibility and choice of the amplification, LōKē is an all-in-one, simple to setup, and easy to manage subwoofer solution. Incorporated into LōKē’s built-in amp are the most utilised functions from Wilson Audio’s ActivXO Dual Subwoofer Crossover, including such key parameters as crossover frequency, crossover slope, phase, and level.

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