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AMETEK SurgeX will showcase the Vertical Series+ smart Power Distribution Unit (PDU) at CEDIA Expo 2024. 

Now available in all regions, this smart PDU builds on the solid power protection foundation integrators expect from SurgeX and pairs it with the cloud-connected power quality analytics, fleet management and risk prevention capabilities of SurgeX CONNECT. 

Also previewing is the Defender Series+, providing value-oriented power protection with advanced features of SurgeX CONNECT.

“With cloud-connected power protection, our SurgeX CONNECT enabled solutions can act as a linchpin for AV systems, helping to reduce service callouts, increase customer confidence, and prevent revenue loss,” says Chad Russell, Director of Residential Sales at AMETEK SurgeX. 

“Integrators will be able to maximise uptime and always be on hand to monitor and assess issues remotely to make sure systems are always working as intended. This, paired with our market-leading surge elimination technology, makes Vertical Series+ a formidable package in the residential space. Power must not be an afterthought when designing projects, and we believe our CONNECT offering will be a great asset to conscientious integrators looking to deliver the best possible experiences for their clients.”

Vertical Series+ smart PDU comes in 8, 16, and 24 outlet configurations, offering integrators a versatile and space-efficient PDU solution that can be easily installed with or alongside rack-mounted equipment. 

Its features include analytical software, sequencing and monitoring capabilities, including remote power down and reboot, sequencing, power cycling, advanced scheduling and AutoPing. 

Designed to protect high value technology and tackle the increasingly complex, processing-heavy AV systems of today, the Vertical Series+ smart PDU is compatible with popular control systems for integration in residential and professional applications.

Previewing at CEDIA Expo is the Defender Series+ for racks, which delivers comprehensive, cost-effective mains protection and conditioning for everyday applications with the SurgeX CONNECT platform. 

Installed in AV and IT equipment racks, the IP-controlled Defender Series+ is designed to protect high value technology and tackle the increasingly complex, processing-heavy AV systems of today.

CEDIA Expo attendees will be able to explore SurgeX’s latest offerings at Booth #3919, with the AMETEK SurgeX sales team on hand to share insights and answer any questions. 

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