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Bringing McIntosh and Sonus faber’s products to more UK music lovers than ever, a new deal has been announced between McIntosh Group partner and Sevenoaks Sound & Vision.

This new partnership continues McIntosh and Sonus faber’s successful integration into the UK Hi-Fi market – with products soon to be available at Sevenoaks stores nationwide, say the manufacturers.

For the first time, the partners says, this new deal brings two of the world’s finest audio brands to the display shelves of one of the UK’s most respected Hi-Fi chain of stores – further expanding McIntosh and Sonus faber’s ongoing incorporation into the UK’s high end audio market. This introduction to the UK market has been overseen by audio distributors Fine Sounds UK, who were delighted to partner with Sevenoaks Sound & Vision to bring McIntosh and Sonus faber’s audio solutions to an increasingly passionate UK customer base.

The initial roll-out will see products introduced to eight owned Sevenoaks stores across the country, with the team able to reach out to connected franchisees on a business-to-business basis. Chelsea, Brighton, Cambridge, Guildford, Norwich, Nottingham, Sevenoaks and Witham branches of Sevenoaks Sound & Vision will all soon stock McIntosh and Sonus faber products. Sonus faber is set to make its Sevenoaks debut in the coming weeks, with the Lumina, Sonetto, and Olympica Nova loudspeaker lines all available to purchase. McIntosh’s MHT300, MA7200, MA252 and MHA200 will all soon follow with an expected launch date of August 2023. In addition to these initial in-store lines, Sevenoaks will also introduce new key Mcintosh and Sonus faber products to their online storefront.

This product line and store reach represents just the start of what both brands anticipate to be a healthy and productive partnership. As the relationship develops, the shared goal is to see a growing range of McIntosh and Sonus faber’s product lines available in all Sevenoaks stores across the country. This collaboration, argue the partners, represents a potentially defining moment for the UK HiFi industry – as McIntosh and Sonus faber’s high-performance audio products finally become a distinct and accessible system addition for every discerning audiophile in the country.

Andy Oattes – Fine Sounds Country Manager, says, “We are incredibly excited for this opportunity to collaborate with Sevenoaks Sound & Vision on this new partnership – a business and brand we have admired for a long time. Rob Lawley and the entire Sevenoaks team share our passion for bringing truly world class audio products to the UK HiFi market, and this partnership offers us the opportunity to share McIntosh and Sonus faber audio solutions with an even wider array of UK customers – amplifying life’s memorable moments for more music lovers than ever before.”

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