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Legrand UK & Ireland is furthering its commitment to supporting electrical contractors with the launch of its new online training portal.

Developed to provide electrical professionals at all levels with easy access to training resources and to complement the training already offered in Legrand Training Academy centres in London, Birmingham, Reading and Dublin, the online portal currently features over 20 courses covering healthcare, education, data centres, office environments and other project applications.

To maximise convenience, the courses are accessible on the portal throughout the year and presented in easily digestible bite-sized sessions. The training content consists of information on a specific product or application, followed by a brief quiz. The portal then saves users’ progress so they can make the training fit their schedule without the worry of losing track of which courses have been completed.

Matt Crunden, Training & BIM Manager at Legrand UK & Ireland, says, “We are proud of our Training Academy and the new online portal shows just how committed we are to educating electrical professionals across the industry. We understand that it is not easy for contractors to find time to learn about product applications, so the portal has been designed from the ground up with convenience in mind.

“Contractors can search by application or by product type to find training that benefits them. The courses themselves are bite sized, taking no more than 20 minutes each to complete. Legrand’s training portfolio empowers contractors to increase their knowledge and skill with the blend of in-person academy training supported by online resources that best suits their schedules.”

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