Prove your humanity


Just when you think you’ve had every request possible as a custom integrator, something comes along that’s even more unusual.

That is the case for two integrators who recently reached out to security industry legal expert Ken Kirschenbaum of Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum.

In one request, a successful 80-year-old doctor reached out to his integrator to install cameras in every room of his ‘bachelor pad’.

The doctor uses the dwelling for sex with various women he meets during random encounters. Apparently after one such encounter, the morning after, the woman demanded $10,000 and claimed she would start screaming rape and call the police.

He called her bluff, called the police who upon arrival, escorted the young lady out. The doctor’s private counsel advised installing fully visible – not covert – cameras covering the entire apartment.

“The doctor has a legitimate reason and concern for the camera installation,” says Ken. “The cameras are going to be obvious, not covert.”

The integrator used Kirschenbaum’s Standard Form Agreement alarm contract with the doctor with the added addendum: “Subscriber has been advised that he may view and record video data of himself and only those who give express written consent.”

Ken did not suggest that the alarm company provide the doctor with a consent form but advised him to get one on his own.

In another instance, an integrator was asked to place visible cameras in a strip club dressing room.

“As you know, dressing rooms are one of the specific places statutes prohibit camera installation,” says Ken.

But in this case, the cameras were warranted. Indeed, the dancers at the club had requested the cameras be installed because there had been multiple thefts of personal property.

There were existing but non-functional cameras in the dressing room already. Again, in this case, the integrator is okay installing the cameras, but Ken recommended that the strip club owner have all employees sign consent form. 

“But even without that, he could install obvious cameras, but not covert,” notes Ken.

This article first appeared on CE Pro.

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