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Audio Gear Group will have a very special demonstration at CEDIA 2016, with the M&K Sound distributor set to showcase exactly what a music recording studio looks like.

At CEDIA 2016, M&K Sound will have a 7.2.4-channel audio system similar to those used by professionals to mix music recordings, film soundtracks and live broadcasts, such as the iHeart Radio and Grammy awards.

CEDIA attendees will be treated to demonstrations of a DTS:X 7.4.2 system comprised of three M&K S2510p self-powered monitors for L/C/R front stage, four M&K S150T Tripole surround speakers for side and surround duties, four M&K IW-5 in-ceiling speakers for height channels and two M&K X12 push/pull configuration powered subwoofers.

Along with a 100in video projection system and Acurus electronics, the system will demonstrate to CEDIA attendees tonal accuracy, precise imaging and tight, visceral bass.

At scheduled times during the course of CEDIA an engineer from Music Mix Mobile (M3) will use a professional mixing console to demonstrate how recorded and live music is mixed over M&K loudspeakers to create the performances millions of listeners enjoy at home.

M3’s M&K-equipped mobile studios provide broadcast mixing services for some of the biggest events in the US such as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies, GRAMMY Awards and CMA Awards.

Audio Gear Group will also display for the first time on US soil the all-new line of M&K built-in speakers announced in May 2016. The high-performance products include six full range models, and an in-wall subwoofer with companion outboard power amplifier.

Three of the full range models include integrated back boxes for installation-to-installation performance consistency.

Visitors to the M&K sound room SR14 and Audio Gear Group/OSD Audio booth #7429 who have their badges scanned will have a chance to win a free M&K X10 THX Ultra subwoofer, retail valued at $2,799.

At the close of the show, AGG will choose a winner at random from the list of attendee badges scanned during the course of the show. The winner need not be present to win.

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